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Coldspring Terrace Property Owners Improvement Association, Inc.

The Board has signed up to use PayHOA for homeowners/Property accounts.   Please share this information with your neighbors.


Instructions to register your new POA account on PayHOA.


For Account setup, homeowners should:

  1. Go to and click "Sign Up" in the upper-right corner.

  2. Select "Homeowner" on the "Get started with PayHOA" page.

  3. Complete account details, including community name, email, full name, phone number, and password.

  4. Complete the reCAPTCHA verification.

  5. Click "Create an Account"

Once an administrator confirms the registration, an activation email is automatically sent to the owner to set up their password and login.


Administrator verification may take a little time.  So please be patient.  There are a lot more members than there are administrators!


Once you have received your verification, please log in and review your account information.  If you find discrepancies, please email the Board at


Thank you,


The Board


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